The Full Live Kabbalah Experience

Get the ALL-IN-ONE PASS, which includes "Exploring Oneness & Meditation" with Rabbi Amichai and "Own Your Light Group Coaching" with Miriam - Join Anytime

Experience the transformation that happens when deep learning of your soul's truth combines with group coaching, meditations, and community support.

You are a force of light, love, strength, fortitude, compassion, and creativity.

When we tap into our true infinite powers, we access our inner light. 

Rabbi Amichai and Miriam Cohen have created Live Kabbalah, a one-of-a-kind platform for learning and applying Kabbalah & Chassidus combined with coaching, mentoring & community support. 

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What Does The Full Live Kabbalah Experience Include?

Ongoing Exploring Oneness, weekly Own Your Light Coaching, meditations, and community combined in a single soul space to transform your life and the world. 

Exploring Oneness with Rabbi Amichai

Engage in weekly live and recorded classes, providing a transformative journey into the profound teachings of Kabbalah and Chassidut.

"Own Your Light: The Sefirot Applied" Coaching with Miriam

Join weekly group coaching and receive spiritual and emotional support—empowering and practical tools to Own Your Light.


Find the peace within yourself with powerful weekly meditations that help integrate concepts and foster spiritual growth.


Create connections with like-minded individuals worldwide and support each other's journeys through our online community & real-time Revive retreats in Tzfat

Your Soul Space

  • Exploring Oneness with Rabbi Amichai. Sundays, 8:30 P.M. Israel Time.
  • Own Your Light Coaching with Miriam Cohen. Tuesdays, 8:30 pm, Israel time. 
  • Weekly Meditations and journalling exercises
  • Drip learning with weekly recorded Kabbalah Academy & Master Class videos, PDF notes

  • Entire Live Kabbalah Library with 300+ recorded classes and courses

  • Exclusive Soul Space online community 

  • Available on desktop, mobile, and App
Monthly Enrollment
Yearly Enrollment: Get 2 Months Free

Topics Covered In Exploring Oneness & Meditation with Rabbi Amichai 

Unveiling the Arsenal of a Light Warrior

  •  Understanding Emunah: Delving into the Unity of G-d and Divine Providence in our life (Hashgacha Pratis)
  •  What is True Joy? How Do We Align To The Open-Hearted Frequency of Love?
  •  Constant Recreation: Exploring Ain Od Milvado and Reasons for Creation
  •  Embracing our Dual Nature: Becoming a Giver and a Receiver

The Spiritual Roots of Light and Darkness

  •  Pre-Creation Chronicles: Navigating the World of Tohu and the Shattering of Vessels
  •  Tzimtzum: Condensing Light and the Rise of the Feminine in Creation
  •  The Four Worlds: Mapping 4 Levels of Consciousness, Kelipa and Free Choice

The Journey to Becoming a Light Warrior

  •  Unveiling the Soul: The 5 Levels of Soul and the Dynamics of Animal vs. Divine Soul
  •  Transcending Ego Consciousness: Elevating the Translucent Shell Kelipat Nogah
  • The Power of Choice and Meaning
  •  Body as Vessel: Understanding the Soul's Dwelling in the Physical Form

Charting the Course to Our True Light and Authentic Selves

  •  Decoding the Sefirot: Exploring the Ten Sefirot Intellectually and Emotionally
  •  Inner Workings of the Mind, Body, and Soul: The Practical Applications of Sefirot in Daily Life
  •  The Sefirot Paradigm: Understanding the Interplay Between Subconscious Realms and Conscious Experience

Unraveling the Purpose in Darkness and Challenges

  •  Tree of Life Exploration: Symbolism, Structure, and the Primordial Sin
  •  From Sensory to Spiritual: Understanding Fragmented Consciousness and Inner Purpose
  •  Kelipa and Challenges: Role in the Human Experience and Insights from Kabbalistic Cosmology

Shielding Against the World's Darkness

  •  Essence Revealed: Torah, Tabernacle, and Temple in our Soul, Body, and Psyche
  •  Receiving the Torah: Unveiling its Meaning and the Significance of Mitzvot
  •  The Power of Prayer and the Elevation of the Physical

Illuminating Our Unique Light and Life Mission

  •  Tikkun and Life's Purpose: Spiritual Roots of Interpersonal Relationships and Career Choices
  •  Power of Choice: Delving into Tikkun, Rectification, and Personal Transformation Tools
  •  Finding Balance: Giving and Receiving According to Kabbalah


Letters of Light: Mysteries of Hebrew Letters, Divine Names, and Prophecy

  •  Unveiling Mystical Significance: Hebrew Letters and the Power of Divine Names
  •  Harnessing Divine Names: Prayer, Spiritual Connection, and Manifestation
  •  Prophecy and Divine Inspiration: Understanding and Utilizing Our Gifts

 Prayer, Meditation, and Niggun

  •  Kabbalistic Practices: Prayer, Mindfulness, and Visualization Techniques
  •  The Melody of Music: Harnessing the Power of Song, Chanting and Niggunim in Spiritual Practices
  •  Sound and Vibration: Exploring Their Role in Kabbalistic Practices and Manifestation

Be The Light

  •  Bitachon: Incorporating Trust into Daily Lives
  •  Inner Torah: Vital Importance of Studying and Integrating These Teachings In Our Lives
  •  Healing and Transforming Personal and Generational Trauma
  •  Geula: Redemption on Cosmic and Personal Levels and Attaining Higher Consciousness
  •  The Power of NOW: Practical Tools for Presence and Focus in Your Mission

What Makes Own Your Light: The Sefirot Applied Coaching Program Unique?

Many programs and therapeutic modalities come with the premise that you are broken. The healing process from that place can feel like an overwhelming journey of searching for answers. Our approach is from the premise that, at your core, you are inherently whole and worthy.  Instead of looking outside yourself for love, compassion, and healthy boundaries, the answers are all within YOU. The Ten Sefirot, the spiritual DNA of the world and of you, are your soul powers, the core, and the essence of who you areThrough learning and integrating this information, you are about to embark on a journey of self-growth and transformation from the inside out. The possibilities are endless. 

Join The Full Live Kabbalah Experience

Your ALL-IN-ONE PASS to the Full Live Kabbalah Learning and Community-Join Anytime.




Monthly Enrollment
Yearly Enrollment: Get 2 Months Free