Prepare to embark on an enlightening journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth.

Each month, you will gain exclusive access to a new course, carefully curated to deepen your understanding of Kabbalah and enhance your personal development.

To kickstart your journey, you'll first delve into the foundational principles of Kabbalah with our Kabbalah Academy Level 1 course.

This course will lay the groundwork for your exploration, providing you with essential knowledge and insights to build upon as you progress.

Join us as we unlock the mysteries of the universe and uncover the hidden wisdom of Kabbalah, empowering you to transform your life and illuminate your path to enlightenment.

Start your journey today forLegacy price just $47/m

It's not just in the amazing learning, it's in the living.


Why Choose Live Kabbalah?

Self Learner Program

Learning, meditation, and community are combined in a single soul space to bring transformation to your life and the world. 

Personal Growth

Discover practical tools and ancient wisdom to navigate life's challenges with grace and wisdom.

Spiritual Understanding

Gain deeper insights into the mysteries of the universe and the nature of the soul.

Expert Guidance

Learn from Rabbi Amichai & Miriam Cohen and guest teachers who are passionate about sharing the wisdom of Kabbalah in a clear and accessible way.

Community Connection

Join a supportive community on WhatsApp of like-minded seekers on a shared journey of exploration and growth.

Welcome to the Seamless Step By Step Learning Journey with Self Learner

An ALL-IN-ONE SOUL SPACE of Profound Learning and Community

Unlock the transformative power of Kabbalah and embark on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth with our Self-learner program. Designed for those who seek to delve deeply into the mystic teachings of Kabbalah at their own pace, this program offers a structured path to enlightenment and inner peace.

As a Self Learner, you'll have the unique opportunity to access a wide array of courses, which will be made available to you on a monthly drip basis. This structured approach allows for a deep and focused exploration of each subject area, ensuring you can fully absorb and integrate the teachings into your life. Each month, you'll receive access to a new course, covering topics from the foundational principles of Kabbalah to advanced spiritual practices, ensuring a comprehensive learning experience tailored to your journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth.

Once enrolled, you can immediately begin exploring the teachings and meditations provided in your first course, Kabbalah 1 Course. 


What You Will Receive

  • Monthly Course Access: You will unlock a new course each month. These courses cover a wide range of topics, from the basics of Kabbalah to advanced spiritual practices.
  • Email Notifications: Receive regular email updates to stay informed and never miss out on new content, courses, or special events.
  • Guided Meditations: Access to Kavanna Academy's audio library of Kabbalistic meditations, designed to help internalize the teachings and apply them to your life.
  • Comprehensive Learning Materials: Along with video lessons, you'll receive audio recordings, PDF notes, and other resources to enrich your learning experience.
  • Community Access: Join a supportive online community of fellow learners and share insights and experiences on your spiritual journey.

Examples of Courses Dripped

  • The Ten Sefirot Course 
  • The Essence Of Prayer Course 
  • Meditation & Kabbalah 
  • The Tools- The Sefirot Applied/Coaching
  • Upgrade Your Consciousness 
  • The Secrets Of Redemption Course
  • The Divine Names Course 
  • Beyond The Zodiac 
  • Discover Your Life's Purpose 
  • Healing Through Prayer
  • Intro To Kabbalah CourseKabbalah & Hypnosis | A 30-Day Journey Quest into the Doorway of the Subconscious 
  • Psychedelics & Judaism 
  • The Metaphysical- Beyond The One Percent Kabbalah 2.0
  • Kabbalah & Astrology 
  • Faith & Trust Soul Boost - 30 Day Journey 
  • Biblical Wisdom From Zion Course
  • "Love Your Fellow As Yourself"- Building Communities of The Future 
  • Tzfat Documentary Tour 
  • Master Classes Zohar
  • Master Classes Arizal Chesed L'Avraham
  • Master Classes Optimal Living Series
  • Gates of Trust- Bitachon Series
  • And more...

Watch a portion of Rabbi Amichai's "What is Da'at?" Understanding consciousness. The Sefirah of Inner Knowing.

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