Parshat B'Shalach: Crossing the Sea Awakening Our Collective Souls
Feb 03, 2025
The Exodus from Egypt is more than a historical event—it is an ongoing process within each of us. We all face personal Mitzrayim (Egypt), moments of constriction, challenges, and struggles. Pharaoh, whose name hints at blocking divine flow, represents the forces that hold us back from spiritual expansion. Yet, within these struggles lie sparks of holiness waiting to be uplifted.
The Arizal teaches that 288 divine sparks were embedded in creation, with 202 uplifted during the Exodus. Our generation, referred to as the “heels of Mashiach,” carries the responsibility of elevating the remaining sparks. Though we may seem distant from past spiritual greatness, we are uniquely placed to bring redemption by embodying faith, presence, and transformation.
Through spiritual practices, somatic healing, and deep awareness, we reconnect with our divine purpose. This class, part of Rabbi Amichai’s Exploring Oneness series in the Live Kabbalah community, delves into how we navigate our own Exodus, uplift the fallen sparks, and cross the sea towards true liberation.
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